What is Meditation?
When I think of a way to describe meditation, I would define meditation as “the act of purposefully silencing the mind, focusing on my breathing and becoming present in the moment.” According to the International Journal of Yogic, Human Movement and Sports Sciences, meditation is beautifully defined as “a practice that involves training the mind and inducing a state of focused attention and relaxation.”
This practice can begin with simply sitting down in your comfortable chair, or on a comfortable spot on the floor. You can close your eyes. Take a few deep and relaxing breaths. Some prefer to focus on a mantra or statement. This can be anything that you want! An example of a mantra can be “I am present.” Another example of a statement can be “I am here to quiet the mind.” Others may favor listening to relaxing music and allowing their mind to focus on the sounds of the music. Fortunately, there are so many different options!
Are There Different Types of Mediation?
Yes! There are multiple types of meditations. This makes meditation even more appealing because you can pick and learn the types of meditation that work best for you! You may even want to practice different types of meditations on certain days. You may want a guided meditation on Mondays, but decide you like a sound meditation on the weekends. Let’s review just a few of the many different styles or methods of meditation described by the International Journal of Yogic, Human Movement and Sports Sciences:
- Guided Visualization Meditation: This type of meditation involves a speaker directing us to imagine specific scenes, smells, and sensations.
- Sound Meditation: Sound meditation uses music, chanting, singing bowls and/or gongs to lead into relaxation.
- Mindfulness Meditation: This meditation focuses on awareness of how you’re feeling in the present. It emphasizes your feelings and physical body in the moment.
- Breathing Meditation: This meditation focuses on your breathing pattern and controlling your breathing for relaxation.
Where can I go to meditate?
I am here to tell you that you can meditate within the comforts of your own home! You can meditate while laying down in bed, sitting in a chair, relaxing on the couch or on a cushion on the floor. That’s what is great about meditation, it doesn’t require you to leave the home, and it isn’t expensive to do it. You can meditate in silence. You can use guided meditation videos. You can listen to soothing music. There are various meditation apps that are available for your phone, tablet or computer that you can download for free!
There are in-person classes that some practitioners may offer, such as Beth Pollari, owner of One Tree Wellness. She offers meditation classes and sessions in person at her office. She also offers sessions virtually! Virtual meditation sessions are convenient because you don’t even have to drive anywhere to engage in this experience! She typically starts off with an open discussion of a topic that relates to that meditation for the class, ties in a life lesson or teaching and dives into the guided meditation. This is a great option for people that want to socialize with like-minded people to practice meditation, and this is an outstanding way to discover which type of meditation works best for you!
Why should we take a moment to meditate?
According to a recent study published by Cureus, many health benefits have been shown with consistent meditation practices. More studies need to be conducted to truly capture how a routine meditation practice can demonstrate these various positive effects on the human body and mind. Some of the documented effects include:
- Stress relief
- Boosting the immune system
- Lowering high blood pressure
- Improvement with high cholesterol blood levels
- Improvement with chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia
- Managing effects of the following mental conditions:
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Depression
- Anxiety
In a recent conversation with a holistic health practitioner, Beth Pollari, she discussed how she quite literally stumbled upon meditation. Beth had started reading about meditation and mindfulness on her own, but her personal meditation practice hastened after she had a significant fall and suffered a concussion.
“I wasn’t healing from my concussion. The doctor said I had post-concussion syndrome. He said I should take this medication. He said I will start to feel better, and I didn’t,” Beth reported.
Beth described her frustration with not being able to do the things that she used to be able to do. She started looking for other ways to find some relief.
Beth described when she found something worthwhile, “I started listening to relaxing music. As I listened to relaxing music, I felt better. Then, I started listening to meditations. I listened to meditations so many times and my body felt better. I felt better.” This experience provided the realization that your body can heal, and she felt like she wanted to tell the world!
Beth was able to return back to work at a local restaurant, but at times she would feel nauseous and dizzy. Beth said “It would reel me back in.” This experience led her onto the journey to study and practice other holistic healing modalities, which she offers at her practice today.
Beth emphasized the importance of taking a “timeout” to deep breathe, “It’s about checking in with yourself and seeing what you need.”
- Meditation is a practice that relaxes the mind, slows the breathing, and focuses our attention on the present moment.
- Making meditation a routine practice in our lives can have tremendous health benefits such as, boosting the immune system to help prevent us from getting sick, lowering our blood pressure, managing effects of anxiety and so much more!
- Meditation is free and can be done while relaxing in your own home!
Why not give it a try today?
I am closing out this topic with a poem that I wrote influenced by my personal experiences with meditation.
Slow down the rush
Embrace the softness and plush
Of the ground beneath you
To oneness, all that is true
Breathe deeply, inhale and exhale
Allow the spirit to follow a trail
To serenity and peace
Please, take a piece
Of time to and for yourself
To elevate your mind and health
Connect your soul
With the soothing sounds of a singing bowl
-Rael Thymes ©️
If you are looking to learn more about meditation or interested in meditation sessions/classes, please reach out to Beth Pollari! She also has some free meditations that you can try! HOME | mysite (bpollari.wixsite.com)
Application of meditation for stress management (theyogicjournal.com)
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