My New FAVORITE Fruit That You Need to Try!

When we think of citrus fruits we tend to think of oranges, lemons, limes, maybe even grapefruit.

Recently I tried a new fruit that I’ve never had before…

It’s called a pomelo!

A pomelo is similar in appearance to a grapefruit, but a little bit larger.

What is a pomelo?

A pomelo is a melon-sized citrus fruit that originated in Asia. It’s also known as a “Chinese grapefruit.” They are commonly grown in Asia and warm climates areas in the United States, such as California.

If I had to describe the taste of a pomelo, I would say it tastes like a mellow version of a grapefruit! The flavor reminds me of a cross between an orange and a grapefruit. It’s not as bitter as a grapefruit. It is so tasty!

Not only is this fruit tasty, but it is packed with nutrients for the body! The pomelo contains the following:

Vitamin C
Vitamin A

Why does Vitamin C matter?

Vitamin C is known to help boost the immune system against infections, such as the flu or the common cold. This vitamin can help with maintaining collagen for heathy skin and tissues of the body. Vitamin C is also assists the body with absorbing iron.

What are antioxidants?

Antioxidants are chemicals that fight against free radicals (chemicals that damage the cells of the body.) Excess free radicals can damage organs and lead to accelerating the aging process, diseases and cancer. Common sources of free radicals are exposure to pollution, smoking cigarettes, and drinking alcohol. Eating foods high in antioxidants can help prevent and combat the damaging effects of free radicals on the body.

Why is fiber important?

Eating healthy foods high in fiber can lower cholesterol and promote healthy functioning of our digestive system.

Why do we need to eat sources of Vitamin A?

Vitamin A promotes healthy vision, especially nighttime vision. Vitamin A also assists the body in maintaining and forming healthy tissues in the body, including the skin and tissues that make up our organs.

I encourage you to give pomelo a try…or a taste! 


I am closing out this post with a fun poem that summarizes the information about this amazing fruit. Enjoy!

Picking up Produce? Try Some Pomelo!

The fruit you should try is a pomelo
It’s outer skin is a light yellow
It tastes like a grapefruit but more mellow

In flavor, this fruit is less tart
You should add this fruit to your cart

Wash this fruit with water at the sink
Slice it open to its flesh, juicy and pink

It’s packed with essential Vitamins C and A
For healthy skin, eyes and immune system today!

Try eating this fruit when you crave food that is sweet
You won’t be disappointed with this refreshing, nutritious treat!

-Rael Thymes ©️ 2024

Sources used for this article

The Wellness Encyclopedia of Food and Nutrition by Sheldon Margen, M.D., and the Editors of the University of California at Berkeley

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