Why YOU Need to Make Time to Cook with Thyme!

I decided to write this post to represent part of my business’s namesake… THYME!  I hope that you find it interesting!

We know that cooking with herbs adds flavor to our favorite meals. Did you know that they can have healing benefits too? Thyme is loaded with vitamins and minerals!


Here are some amazing health benefits to regularly eating thyme:

Thyme contains Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Vitamin A is known for our supporting eye health and promotes healthy tissues of the body. Vitamin C is known for boosting our immune system against viral, bacterial and fungal germs.
Thyme contains B Vitamins. These vitamins are needed for energy and a healthy brain!
Thyme is loaded with minerals! Some of these minerals are iron, potassium, manganese, magnesium, and selenium. Iron supports healthy red blood cell formation and plays a role ensuring oxygen is carried through our blood stream. Potassium is essential for our muscles and heart functioning. Manganese is a natural anti-inflammatory in the body. Magnesium is important for our bone health and nervous system. Selenium promotes healthy hair and nails.
Thyme is packed with multiple antioxidants. Antioxidants are important chemicals that fight off substances that are harmful to the cells of our bodies, such as cancer-causing agents or carcinogens (ex: cigarette smoke and pollution from the burning of charcoal).
Tea Thyme! Did you know that you can make tea with thyme? I learned this, too! Combining lemon, thyme and honey creates a great tasting tea that can naturally boost your immune system and reduce inflammation.

Cooking with herbs and spices bring so much more to the table than flavor. Consistently cooking healthy meals with herbs, such as thyme, positively impacts our health. We have the power to add more nutrients to our meals, one herb at a thyme.

This post is closing with a poem that highlights the health benefits of thyme.

I hope you enjoy these rhymes about why you should eat more thyme. 🙂

Time for Thyme

To cook with thyme
Add a lemon, add a lime
The results are sublime
Put them together to make a tea
Naturally breathe more easily
Thyme helps our body fight off germs
Boost your immune system on your terms
Good source of vitamins A and C
It can help you see
And prevent or reduce stubborn acne
Thyme is an anti-inflammatory
Go back in time, let’s rewrite the story
Of your health journey by adding this spice
Not to mention, it does smell quite nice!
Make time to use this herb
The results for your body will be superb

-Rael Thymes ©️2024

Sources used for this Post



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