Emphasizing the Effort to Exercise Everyday

Making the effort to exercise can be exhausting in itself.

It can feel like a chore.

Get up. Change your clothes. Grab your gym essentials. Get in the car. Drive to the gym. Then finally workout. Of course, can’t forget about stretching afterwards. Get in the car. Drive home. Shower. Change clothes.

I get it. It can be a lot on the already long list of “things-to-do.”

Some think it’s too much to exercise everyday. Who has time for that?

Exercise doesn’t have to be a chore. Yes, some of us do practice those series of things to go to the gym everyday or nearly everyday. I give them a lot of credit. The reality is, it’s not possible for everybody.

Exercise doesn’t have to mean spending hours at the gym. It can be as little as 5 hours per week. That’s only 5 out of 168 hours we are all given each week. When you break it down like that, we owe it to ourselves to move our muscles.

These activities can be fun!

Shoot hoops at an indoor or outdoor basketball court.
Dance! You can dance in your living room to your favorite music.
Go for a walk with the dogs, or your family and friends.
Go swimming in a pool.
Try an outdoor activity such as kayaking, skiing, gardening, hiking, biking and so many more!
Participate in a yoga class at a studio or by watching an instructed yoga video right in the comfort of your own home.
Sign up for a sports league at your local sport club, gym or community center. They often have leagues for adults to play sports such as soccer, basketball, volleyball and other common sports.
Stretch or lift weights during commercial breaks of your evening TV show.
Ride a stationary bike, or walk on a treadmill while watching a sports game, studying your notes for class, or reading a book. It’s a great way to multi-task while including some movement!

The Indian Journal of Health and Wellness described exercise beautifully. This journal explains exercise is the “planned, structured and repetitive movements done to improve or maintain one or more components of physical fitness.”

In a book by Kelly McGonigal, she highlights the benefits of movement are “a way to practice self-care, an opportunity to tackle challenges, and a place to make friends.”

I go to the gym more days than I don’t, but I make time for it. I decided that even on the days that I can’t go to the gym, I exercise at home. I practice yoga, lift free weights and/or ride my stationary bike.

I have to make physical activity a priority, and the reasons may surprise you. It has very little to do with appearance. It has more to do with my overall health and quality of life. Many of the other “routine exercisers” would agree with my reasoning. These are the things that motivate us to move everyday.

Here are 3 of the many reasons why I workout almost everyday, and why you should too:

        1.      Energy. I have so much more energy throughout my day when I exercise. Sure, it may have taken up two-three hours of my day between the commute to the gym, workout, and showering. It adds more productive time to my day because I have that much more energy compared to if I didn’t workout at all. It’s like getting my time back and some. I can work on more writing, function at my best during my shift as a nurse, complete more house chores and spend more time with my loved ones. Exercise allows me the opportunity to truly maximize my busy days of juggling a household, dogs, work, school and a small business.

        2.      Endorphins. Exercising releases our body’s “feel good hormones.” These hormones boost our mood, reduce depression, and even can alleviate some discomfort. Working out is like my therapy session. It keeps my mental health in check. It gives me a boost of creativity so that I can do more creative writing in less time. It keeps me focused on my tasks. It helps me process the emotions of a bad day.

        3.      Ease. Exercise gives me the ease that I need for my busy days. Not only does it help with the flow of ideas and positive thoughts. It helps keep me calm. It helps with getting adequate rest at the end of the day. I can easily get 7-8 hours of quality sleep. If I don’t exercise, I don’t sleep as well. I wake up feeling tired, and don’t feel at my best. Tasks take longer because I’m not as focused or creative. I’m nowhere near as productive. Are you picking up on the cycle? Oops! No pun intended! Exercise provides much needed harmony and balance within the mind and body.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day and 168 hours in a week. We can prioritize movement. We owe ourselves 30 minutes a day to move our bodies. We all deserve more energy, ease and endorphins in our lives. Make your move.

-Rael Thymes ©️




2 responses to “Emphasizing the Effort to Exercise Everyday”

  1. Danya Avatar

    Really great points. I have a hard time exercising at a gym. I find i exercise more and it’s less of a chore when I’m doing something I enjoy and am passionate about. I appreciate your positive outlook. When I was working a desk job I made sure to walk on my breaks or even get up and do a standing desk and walk in place. We just have to get creative sometimes.

    1. Raechel Avatar

      It’s so true we do have to get creative! Exercise doesn’t have to be boring. We can make it fun or more enjoyable. Walking is a great simple way to exercise, and it doesn’t cost us anything! Thank you so much for your input. ☺️

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